Summer Book Club
Starting in June, ladies are invited to join us on a book adventure this summer as we explore "What's So Amazing About Grace?" by Philip Yancey.
Millions of lives have been changed by award-winning author Philip Yancey's startling exploration of grace at street level. Grace is the one thing the world can't duplicate, the healing force we need, and the key to transforming a broken world.
In this revised and updated edition of his personal and provocative book, Yancey offers true portraits of grace's life-changing power.
With powerful stories, rich theology, and practical suggestions, Yancey challenges us to become living answers to a world that desperately needs to know, What's So Amazing About Grace?
Ladies will meet monthly for fellowship and discussion. Contact Shari Meeks 307-413-7645 or Shawn Walker 307-413-1644 to RSVP or for more information.
Pick Your Level of Participation
We recognize that we all have varied schedules limiting time available to each of us, so we encourage you to participate at whatever level you are most comfortable. We each will wrestle in different ways with the text, so choose what works for you. In addition to our monthly fellowship gatherings, you can choose from the following:
Reading/Listening: You can choose to read the book or listen to the book via your favorite audio book app. Ladies are encouraged to do their best to follow the reading schedule posted, but please don't feel that you can't come to the monthly meetings if you haven't made it all the way through the reading material for that gathering. ​
Reading/Listening + Discussion Questions/Journal: There are discussion questions in the back that are intended to help you synthesize the text and wrestle with the things that Yancey presents in the reading material. At our monthly gatherings, we will likely pick from these questions to guide our conversations. This does add some time and energy to processing the text, but it can be immensely helpful to each of you. Another thought is just to write down things that stick out to you. What catches your eye? Journaling can be a really cool way to look back on the journey and see God working in your heart.
Monthly Fellowship Gatherings: Community is important for each of us, and we all have so much to offer each other in terms of prayer, encouragement, words of wisdom or nourishing our souls with fellowship rooted in Jesus. So, come as you are. Our hosts will be posted below - if you are able, please bring a dish to pass; your book and journal and a heart eager to fellowship.
Summer Schedule
We generally meet from 6pm to 8pm, potluck style, and rotating hosts. Once you RSVP, you will be added to the contact list for our summer gatherings. Additional details will be posted below. Just a reminder - to RSVP Contact Shari Meeks 307-413-7645 or Shawn Walker 307-413-1644.
June 18 - Discussing Part 1: HOW SWEET THE SOUND
Hosted By: Shawn Walker
To Prepare: Read Chapters 1-5 (pages 3-63); optional deep dive - go ahead and answer the reflection questions in the back of the book for Chapters 1-5 (found on pages 291-294)
July 16 - Discussing Part 2: BREAKING THE CYCLE OF UNGRACE
Hosted By: Alix Crittenden (14496 US Hwy 191)
To Prepare: Read Chapters 6-10 (pages 67-135); optional deep dive- go ahead and answer the reflection questions in the back of the book for Chapters 6-10 (found on pages 294-297)
August 20 - Discussing Part 3: THE SCENT OF SCANDAL
Hosted By: Tammie Meeks (14407 US Hwy 191)
To Prepare: Read Chapters 11-15 (pages 139-211); optional deep dive - go ahead and answer the reflection questions in the back of the book for Chapters 11-15 (found on pages 297-300)
September 17 - Discussing Part 4: GRACE NOTES FOR A DEAF WORLD
Hosted By: TBD
To Prepare: Read Chapters 16-20 (pages 215-287); optional deep dive - go ahead and answer the reflection questions in the back of the book for Chapters 16-20 (found on pages 300-303)